"Karen and Frank helped us to share the core ideas of "agile work" in an inspiring story - entertaining, profound, and without any dogma. In our collaboration they were walking their talk and we had the pleasure to experience this agile way of working ourselves. Karen and Frank conducted an appreciative inquiry and sensitively challenged our assumptions and boundaries until a well-crafted solution came alive."
Project-related work already takes up a huge amount of resources; and it’s growing. In order to handle dynamic change and uncertainty better, firms are on their way to reinventing the organization. Towards a working culture which is more customer-oriented and agile. Towards more self-organization, flatter hierarchies, and very effective collaboration. In such an organization, more and more people have to work together in cross-functional teams to produce future-oriented results. Traditional management roles and status symbols might become obsolete. This change is huge and takes time. And it takes an entirely novel approach of leadership and communication. We can coach you on this journey, and we can facilitate crucial waypoints along the path.WHAT WE DO
We ask the right questions. We help you to specify the basic principles underlying “good work in the future“. Why do you want to change; what would you like to change; and what would you like to NOT change? Based on this clarity, we help you to work out a lean and very pragmatic approach for organizational and personnel development. We have learned from experience: classic guidelines, formulaic templates, classic training, and command-and-control won’t develop corporate culture. At least not to a better. We give you fresh ideas and hands-on tools which allow you to facilitate knowledge development and exchange in a growing network of “agile workers and leaders“. With these tools and approaches, you are equipped to invite the right people and achieve the desired outcomes.USED TOOLS AND METHODS
- Slow Thinking- Appreciative Inquiry
- Visual Story Telling
- Visual Facilitation
- Mission Finder
- Project Canvas